
FieldDayLogger, ARRL Field Day Logger

FieldDayLogger-Curses, Terminal mode Field Day logger

WinterFieldDayLogger, A Winter Field Day logger

wfd_py_logger, Terminal mode Winter Field Day logger

k1usnsst, K1USN SST Logger

FieldDayMorseTrainer, Simulates operating CW during Field Day.

POTAto, Tunes your radio to POTA spots.

AuGratin, POTA hunter specific lolgger

SOTAcracker, Tunes your radio to SOTA spots.

DX-Summit, like POTAto and SOTAcracker but for DX Summit spots.

PyWinKeyerSerial, A Linux text to Morse interface to K1EL winkeyer

adif_to_QSL, Takes and adif file fills out a qsl card and emails it out.

CloudLogPyCAT, sends radio status to Cloudlog.

Tuner, tunes your radio to the start of the FT8 portion of the band your on, so you can tune up.

tidbyt-apps, just a couple widgets for my tidbyt display.