What is it. Why is it…
This is a scratch my own itch project. I use potato for POTA hunting, and sotacracker for chasing SOTA. So when I click on an activation in one of those apps, my radio will be changed to the new band/mode, and on the spotted frequency using flrig
One does not want to tune up on top of an activator. So, I made this little app. What it does is, when you press the tune button, it remembers what frequency and mode you are currently on. Then it tunes the radio away to a fairly safe frequency, away from the activator. Which, just coincidentally, happens to be the start of the FT8 window for that band:fire:. No one uses that anyways… Switches your mode to CW, so you can key down to initiate a tune cycle, or press the tune button on your rig/tuner. Once the tune cycle is complete, you press the tune button again, and the radio is changed back to the original activation frequency and mode you started on:beers:.
Changes since 21.12.13 Flaming Hot Cheeto
I ditched using the rigctld daemon supplied by hamlib tools. Instead I’ll be using the flrig’s XmlRPC interface. It’s way simpler. It’s available on all platforms.
For Debian based Linux or Raspberry OS you can:
sudo apt install flrig
Running from source
Install Python 3, then two required libraries.
If you’re the Ubuntu/Debian type you can:
sudo apt install python3-pyqt5 python3-requests
You can install libraries via pip:
python3 -m pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Just make tuner.py executable and run it within the same folder, or type:
python3 tuner.py
Building a binary executable
I’ve included a .spec file in case you wished to create your own binary from the source. To use it, first install pyinstaller.
python3 -m pip3 install pyinstaller
Then build the binary.
pyinstaller -F tuner.spec
Look in the newly created dist directory to find your binary.